Living Life To The Full

Are you living life to the full?. e-CBT - 6 weeks that can change your life.





Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) provides low intensity online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). As a self-directed programme it is very useful for anyone experiencing stress, anxiety and/or low mood and gives instant access to practical help for managing mood. It is also useful for people waiting for further help for their emotional difficulties.

The programme offers its users an option for 3 supportive telephone sessions over a 6 week period in addition to self-directed online therapy and is suitable for anyone aged 18 or over with common mental health and emotional issues.



  • Offers an effective evidence based alternative to medication
  • Allows instant access to resources enabling you to start treatment immediately
  • Convenience – you can access the materials in a place and at a time to suit you
  • Courses are easy to follow, in an easy read format and not too lengthy
  • Access to a support worker if needed
  • Gives you the tools to help yourself

How does it work?

Living Life to the Full is a life skills course that aims to provide access to high quality, practical and user-friendly training in life skills. The course content teaches key knowledge in how to tackle and respond to issues/demands which we all meet in our everyday lives.  Courses cover low mood, stress and resilience which enables people to work out why they feel as they do, how to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm, tackle upsetting thinking, and more.  The courses offered are:

  • Living Life to the Full
  • Living Life to the Full for farmers
  • Living Life to the Full for parents of children facing life threatening illness
  • Reclaim your life – long term conditions
  • LLTTF for chronic pain
  • LLTTF diabetes
  • Enjoy your bump, Enjoy your baby, Enjoy your infant
  • LLTTF Without Walls, for those who have recently left prison or become homeless

How to get started

  1. Visit the website
  2. Complete the mood quiz
  3. Register and Change Your Life

On initial entrance to the site, you will be asked to complete a brief mood quiz. If you meet the threshold for Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), and agree to support, a ‘pop up’ box will appear and you can fill in brief details which will enable an IAPT worker to contact you by phone to check appropriateness for this level of treatment.  If you are deemed as needing a higher level of treatment, you will be stepped up within the Wellbeing Service.  As you work through the course of treatment, there will be routine contact from the IAPT worker via phone/email to motivate you to use the online resources to improve your wellbeing and reach recovery. Patients wanting immediate help with panic need only select the big red ‘Panic Button’, to access an e-book on dealing with panic attacks.

You do not need to contact your GP to use this resource. For patients who prefer not to use an online resource, the LLTTF publications are available in all local libraries via Books on Prescription.